"I would say the concept behind the car phone, and the phone machines; the speaker phones, the airline phone, the portable phone, the payphone, the cordless phone, the multi-line phone, the phone pager, the call waiting, call forwarding, call conferenceing, the speed dialing, the direct dialing and the redialing, is that we all have all have absolutely nothing to say, and we've got to talk to someone about it right now. It can not wait another second!
I mean, come on, you're at home, you're on the phone; you're in the car you're making calls; you get to work: Any messages for me?
You've got to get people a chance to miss you a little."
1 ummæli:
hehe..ó svo satt,ég fékk Feldinn í möndlugjöf og er búin að hafa það afar gott með honum yfir hátíðirnar að ógleymdu konfektinu!
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